Carol Akello Coming to Australia

on Wednesday, 09 October 2019. Posted in Angatunyo Girls Project - Uganda

The Director of the Angatunyo Lioness Girls Project will visit Fulcrum Aid

Carol Akello Coming to Australia

Fulcrum Aid is excited to announce that Carol Akello will be visiting supporters and our team in Australia. Carol will arrive in time to be the guest keynote speaker at our 2019 Annual General Meeting on October 20th and will spend a month here with meetings in Victoria and South Australia.

Carol is the founder and Director of the Angatunyo Lioness Girls Project, that provides protection and empowerment for Ugandan girls facing forced marriage, abduction and abuse. Since its beginnings in 2015 over 60 girls have entered the program. The program commenced as a shared vision between Carol and Fulcrum Aid.

Angatunyo, which means lioness in the Teso language, empowers girls through vocational training and development of business skills. By the time of their graduation the girls have developed skills to be financially self-sufficient, which decreases their susceptibility to forced child marriage. The course also provides counselling and a supportive group environment where human rights, self-confidence and human dignity are imparted.

So far, the program has been 100% successful in preventing forced marriages.

While in Australia Carol will be sharing her vision for the expansion of the program, which will include purchasing land and constructing purpose built facilities. Supporters have opportunities to help fund the creation of a safe place for Ugandan girls who are at high risk, and to provide them a place to thrive.

There are still opportunities for groups to arrange a meeting with Carol. Please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you are interested.

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