Soil Child - Papua New Guinea

Education, Health Care and Earthquakes in PNG

Written by April Hart on Wednesday, 12 December 2018. Posted in Soil Child - Papua New Guinea

The Soil Child program has made remarkable progress in 2018 despite extreme challenges.

Education, Health Care and Earthquakes in PNG

Soil Child is a community development program designed to break the on-going cycle of systemic poverty in Papua New Guinea. The goal is to develop a model that can be replicated by any community in PNG that desires to provide future generations with access to education, health care, employment, gender equality and improved child nutrition.

It has been a very busy year for Soil Child, and despite incredible obstacles the project has made great progress.

PNG Cultural Event in Adelaide

on Saturday, 28 October 2017. Posted in Fulcrum Aid News, Soil Child - Papua New Guinea

An opportunity to experience dynamic PNG culture and raise funds for medical equipment for PNG.

PNG Cultural Event in Adelaide

All are welcome to our Papua New Guinea Cultural Event on Saturday 11th November at Flinders University. As well as showcasing PNG culture, the event will raise funds to provide medical equipment to PNG’s under-resourced health services.

Although Papua New Guinea is our nearest neighbour, its vibrant culture remains a mystery to most Australians. With 865 diverse language groups and one of the world’s most colourful, energetic and gregarious societies, the people of Papua New Guinea will make an unforgettable impact on those fortunate enough to have the experience.

While being abundantly rich in culture and community, when it comes to their health care services PNG is not so well off. The majority of the population living in the rural sector face the greatest disadvantage. The relocation of the Royal Adelaide Hospital has provided a unique opportunity to secure surplus medical equipment that will be shipped to medical facilities in PNG. The equipment is provided without cost and the distribution is being managed through the Rotary Donations in Kind program. Project Manager Shila Yukuli Paia says the equipment will be distributed to 2 provincial hospitals, 57 rural health centres, 158 community aid posts plus the Angau General Hospital which is the only cancer treatment facility in PNG.

Breaking Cycles of Poverty in Remote PNG

Written by Steve Blacket on Monday, 04 April 2016. Posted in Soil Child - Papua New Guinea

A bold vision is beginning to take shape for a comprehensive poverty reduction program in the highlands of Papua New Guinea.

Breaking Cycles of Poverty in Remote PNG

The Soil Child project is the initiative of Shila Phopo and aims to provide full access to primary education and basic health care, as well as development of agricultural practices that boost nutrition and the local economy.

Soil Child will commence in Pakura, in the highlands of PNG where Shila was raised, and is designed to be replicated throughout rural PNG. Little has changed in Pakura since Shila’s childhood, but recently the community has been mobilised to establish a basic pre-school, and building has commenced on two classrooms for the primary school. Fulcrum Aid is gathering resources to be sent to this and other primary schools throughout Hela Province. (Read our Blog to see the progress towards re-opening Pakura Primary School).

Academics and health professionals in Adelaide are collaborating with Fulcrum Aid to increase the capacity of the regional health system, with a focus initially on training and resourcing maternal health care workers. The project is to be implemented in partnership with Women In Development Foundation PNG, ensuring opportunities for the empowerment of women in a strongly patriarchal society.

The design of Soil Child is shaped by Shila’s Doctoral research through Flinders University exploring socio-cultural factors related to the development of a thriving society in rural PNG.

Would you like to know more? Please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to receive regular updates on Soil Child.

