PNG Cultural Event in Adelaide
An opportunity to experience dynamic PNG culture and raise funds for medical equipment for PNG.

All are welcome to our Papua New Guinea Cultural Event on Saturday 11th November at Flinders University. As well as showcasing PNG culture, the event will raise funds to provide medical equipment to PNG’s under-resourced health services.
Although Papua New Guinea is our nearest neighbour, its vibrant culture remains a mystery to most Australians. With 865 diverse language groups and one of the world’s most colourful, energetic and gregarious societies, the people of Papua New Guinea will make an unforgettable impact on those fortunate enough to have the experience.
While being abundantly rich in culture and community, when it comes to their health care services PNG is not so well off. The majority of the population living in the rural sector face the greatest disadvantage. The relocation of the Royal Adelaide Hospital has provided a unique opportunity to secure surplus medical equipment that will be shipped to medical facilities in PNG. The equipment is provided without cost and the distribution is being managed through the Rotary Donations in Kind program. Project Manager Shila Yukuli Paia says the equipment will be distributed to 2 provincial hospitals, 57 rural health centres, 158 community aid posts plus the Angau General Hospital which is the only cancer treatment facility in PNG.
Funds raised from the PNG Cultural Event will be used to cover the cost of a 40 foot shipping container of medical equipment from the Royal Adelaide Hospital to be shipped to Papua New Guinea.
Shila says “Access to primary health services is a basic human right. For others to have the same access we need to share our resources."
Saturday 11th November, from 3.00 PM until 11.00 PM
At “The Oasis”, Flinders University, Bedford Park (Click here for map)
Cost: $50 / $30 students / Under 12 free
Online Booking:
Click here to book your ticket online.
Click here to see and share the event on Facebook.
Event Flyer:
Click here for the event flyer.
Shila Yukuli Paia. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Photo: Thanks to Johannes Ani Terra for the use of his photograph. See a gallery of Johannes' photos here.